Friday, April 1, 2011

The Post Season Upon Us. The Season thus far.

The Post Season is upon us, there are approx 5 games left for many teams in the league to play. While the leafs have just 4 games, and are sitting 5 points back of a playoff spot. Now it is still mathematically possible for the leafs to make the post season, there are only a handful of things that need to happen in order for it to actually occur, but it could mathematically happen non the less. As it stands tonight, if the Canadiens lose all of their next 4 games, and the New York Rangers follow suit, then we have ourselves the makings of a miracle.
Now  don't just assume that I'm ridiculous thinking that it could happen, because it has happened. Yes that's right it has happened, yes it was 52 years ago, but it happened. There is a great article in the Star today about it, read the article.
But all I can do now is quote one of my favourite sci-fi shows... It has happened before it all happened before and it will all happen again.
But just so everyone is clear, as our hopes and dreams lay in the balance we should all just focus on one thing, The Vancouver Canucks are the Presidents Trophy winners this year, a fantastic accomplishment with Luongo backstopping the club to an amazing feat. Great to see a cup contending team in Canada.
When all is said and done this season, who is going to be in the running for the cup? will we see as amazing a playoff run as we did last year with 7th place philly heading to the Stanley Cup finals.
All that there is to say is that despite the outcome of the 2010/2011 regular season, it's been an amazing run, and best of all, moves have been made by the league to curb one of the major issues looming over the NHL for years, yes hits to the head, and this evenings games had a few, now the main issue are the hits to the head that are extraordinarily malicious. Trying to take someone out of the game for any reason is intolerable.

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